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Terrie started crafting when she was 12 years old. She worked at local playgrounds in NJ teaching crafts to kids many, many moons ago. Over the years life got in the way and she never had the time to “play”. When she retired from the post office and relocated to TN, she found she had lots of time on her hands and started a new craft…mosaics. She specialiazed in address and welcome signs, all of which were hand crafted by her. Most were sold by word of mouth, but she also had an ETSY store which generated additional business. Alas, age got in the way this time, and she found it increasingly difficult to deal with the intricacy and detail required for cutting and positioning the glass. Her fingers just didn’t want to cooperate! Which leads us to the present. She needed to do something that was a bit challenging yet provided instant gratification. Well, not exactly “instant”! And thus began Kraftee Mee by Tee Gee. She hopes you will find her “stuff” enjoyable!